Monday, 25 April 2011


Now I love films of the horror genre, but this is not the kind of horror I am referring to here. I am talking, of course, about the horror that is the night before school after a holiday period, where you are supposed to have completed a tonne of revision and art work, (see the first image). Unlike horror films, this is a real and truly scary issue. To deal with my amazing level of incompetence, I am going to remain 'chill', maybe watch Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds while I attempt to hurriedly transcribe paintings by Degas and Schiele in various media, shitty and imperfect as ever. I did spend a lot of yesterday taking photos. Albeit, some of those photos slightly unrelated to school (they essentially consist of me wearing black cherry jam and doing stupid wacky poses in front of my dirty bed sheet. Yeah, I am maybe a little weird after all...?), a lot of them were, and I retook and retook until they began to mildly resemble the paintings I was basing my poses on. Egon Schiele's stuff had a lot of single women as his subject, so I mainly posed as the women in his work, as I only had myself at my disposal. If you 'google' him, you'll see a lot of his stuff is kind friend described it 'provocative' but in my opinion it's verging on being pornographic. Although, for me porn is more about the act of sex, so a woman just displaying her vagina isn't pornographic for me, unless say her eyes are slit and she's saying I want you. But yeah, it's kind of that kind of art. Needless to say, I love it, right up my street. And I took some quite alright photographs, but I know that in my Christian school- wait, it's actually not about it being a Christian school, it's more about the maturity levels of, oh I don't know, say- 100% of my art class. If I did a really good thing everyone would be like 'that's sick', 'who is that' 'it's you?!' *laughter* 'oh my god' 'what a slut' 'who does she think she is' 'who took the photos?' People always ask me dumb shit like that. It's called SELF TIMER. Anyways, beyond that bullshit, which I undoubtedly could overcome, it's also slightly about the fact that when people come around to look at the GCSE art display, they'll see my naked body (or parts of it), being 'provocative' or whatever we're calling it. And I am not really into that. Photos (tiny incy minuscule photos) will be in my sketchbook for the middle aged parents of my peers to be...shocked, disturbed, excited about. Here they are, and PLEASE, please judge me for it. Oh, I also included a picture of a panda eating cake, for the lols. Thanks love ya bye.
Here are some albums you should be listening to:
Warpaint- The Fool
Effi Briest- Rhizomes
Salem- King Night
Pocahaunted- Make It Real
Coasting- Coasting Singles Compilation
Lykke Li- Youth Novels

Song of the day, to decapitate my well deserved feelings of stress over my work load~ Vashti Bunyan- Diamond Day. (It was on adverts. Probably for banks, you know how they like to drain all the good things from this world and corrupt them. Yes. Money is evil. I'm going to become a Buddhist if I ever take to religion.)

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